Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halsema Highway...milking cow of the privileged?

For a change, I am writing on a different topic.

I read the Midland Courier every sunday and I just don't feel comfortable with all the write ups about Mountain Province, specifically the Halsema Highway.

Like what Senator Miriam Santiago said, "pinag-aawayan nyo lang ang mga kickback nyo!"

Since I started travelling Halsema Highway in 1999, I see little improvement in the Mountain Province area. While the Benguet side is already paved and done with, the Mountain Province area is still the same "old rugged road".

Even with no articles in the Midland, even with no exposes, common sense will tell us that the Halsema Highway is the milking cow of the privileged. It is a perfect example of "corruption to the highest level". I have seen the studies done in the area, read it, and it is really so disgusting.

The paid ad about Juniper Dominguez...attacking his personality, telling everyone he is an ex-convict, etc...what does it have to do with his exposes on the Halsema Highway corruption? Personalan naman na to the highest level! Who are those who signed in the manifesto anyway? Can they say they are the most righteous contractors in Mountain Province? Can they say that they are more Honorable than Juniper Dominguez because they did not spend a single day in prison? Are they trying to say that ex convicts cannot be trusted? Can't they live changed lives? I believe...Juniper Dominguez is more honorable than them.

During the last elections, so much has been heard again about Mountain Province. I believe the bickerings is not political in nature. It is not even about the Anglican church...I think it is all about money. The contratas they can get. Who gets favored and how they are favored. Truth hurts.

Ineh! Mama, datusa an ipugao ay mangpakpakaan ken sak-en idi wada ak ed Sabangan. I see familiar names and signatures in the manifesto. People who called me Kulityagang. People who tried to initiate to oust me from Mountain Province because I am an Ilocano.

Now, with what you are doing, are you bringing glory or shame to Mountain Province?

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