Sunday, August 03, 2008

Life is like a bunch of guapples...

The gunman's alibi is to buy guapples in Urayong for his wife to sell (His wife is selling "tinudok" anyway. Product diversity ba ang tawag dun?). Then, there was no guapple for sale at around 7-7:30am on August 6, 2007 so he went to Bagbag. He is from Agoo but it was his first time to visit Urayong. On his way to Bagbag, going to the "riles", Police, all of a sudden, came pursuing him, so he ran and ran and ran and ran until they came to the "kaarumasan" where a gun was neatly placed on the sand.

This person who knelt down before me and my sister on August 7, 2008, the same person who said "pakawanen dak, saan ko ingagara", "pamilyak laeng ti panpanunutek", now claims he saw only Rianne for the first time when she testified in court. A a, ket wen a garud.

Sabagay, he is in no better position than I am. He is also living in fear I believe. Yes, I forgive him already. Whatever the result of the case may be, I know that whoever are behind my Mama's killing will not escape justice.

There is a God who never sleeps, a God who knows all truth...

I choose to be still and know that my God is God. I will wait on HIM.

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