Monday, August 27, 2007

Oh Mom!

Everywhere I go, everything I see, reminds me of you...I try so hard to go to SM but every nook reminds me of the good times we you craved for food, your coffee breaks at Starbucks...

Even Rhyss cried when we went to SM last Sunday...Jollibbee, McDonalds, KFC...he miss you so much...

I always try ringing your phone, with the hope that you will answer...then we can giggle together on the about Rhyss, talk about Rianne's make-believe break ups...I'm always expecting your text in the morning, at night time...

"Uban sessions" in the afternoon...Watch ballroom dancing on tv Saturday evenings...

Mama, I miss you so much...

1 comment:

shaweeh said...

I feel for you. I know the pain you're going through. i cried when I read your blog and cried even harder when I read thru articles fr the internet how your mom was killed bec of other's evil intentions. I'll be home next week. I hope to see you. I'll help in any way I can.I haven't forgotten what I owe you. I love you, ate kit. I hope it still helps to know, I am praying for you and rianne.