Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Snake in my washing machine

Ann suddenly rushed inside the house. She saw a snake coiled inside the washing machine.
Initially, I thought,"oh, if Carlo were here, he would take care of it!" But of course he is miles away.
"Close all windows and doors!"
Then I thought, even when everything is locked, how are we going to deal with that snake tomorrow?
So I went out, hoping that the boys in our neighborhood are still awake.
Then I told Ate Daisy. While we're talking, Alvin and his brother knocked...at 8 in the evening. They're supposed to be sleeping, they're 14 and 9 years old. They have a class tomorrow! But they were there, right there, asking me if I have some plastic bottles to give them.

Alvin is the ever reliable boy in my neighborhood - he sells balut, chicharon, sayote, collects plastics, and does all stuff just to earn some money he's going to use for school.
So I asked him if he can do some snake stuff. And he does. And he did!!!
He killed the snake, got rid of the snake!

Automatically I thought, wow! God is so on time. His provision is never late.
He has protected us from that snake, and knowing that Ann and I cannot do it, He sent somebody to do it for us. I am so amazed.

Scary night indeed. But what a blessed night too. God is always good.

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