Only God can do that.
And indeed, He is a promise keeper and a covenant keeper.
I have been through several storms in my life. And I can say that when I am hit hardest, it is also at that point where I can say that my joy is at its highest. I am not crushed. Because God's love and amazing grace sustains me. He makes all things beautiful in His time.
I learned to enjoy the seasons I am in. Yes...even during the worst storm. Because God is a big God. He is bigger than all my concerns, than all my issues, than all the problems there is. And when Jesus died on the cross, He died for all those kinds of problems, too. He promised that He will allow all these to happen, but with the assurance that we will not be tested beyond what we can bear, and will only allow us to experience what is common to man. When Jesus came, He experienced everything there is to experience and He surpassed them all. When Jesus rose again, He has won the victory over sin, over everything.
So when all things seem so bleak, I trust the heart of the Father. He has the best plan for me.
I am an orphan. I have no Dad and Mom to run to. No Papa to fight for me and protect me. No Mama to hug me and embrace me. But God is amazing! When He said, I will never leave you nor forsake you, He indeed keeps His promise. I have no one to run to but God. And indeed, He embraces me, and more than that, He gives His joy, His peace, His love and forgiveness.
My God is an amazing God!